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Tips for Transferring into the Foster School of Business

Hi ABSA Family, happy September! Whether you're preparing to apply to the Foster School of Business now or planning to in the future, we’ve put together some essential tips to guide you through the process. 


Understand the Prerequisites and Requirements 

Before applying, make sure you're familiar with all the prerequisites. You’ll need to have completed four specific courses by the time you submit your application. In addition, four more prerequisite courses must either be completed or in progress at the time of submission. Note that a minimum of 60 college credits is required to apply, and these credits must be earned at a college—AP and IB credits won’t count. If you’re aiming to meet this credit threshold quickly, consider taking summer courses. You can find a detailed list of application requirements here


Strategize Around the Admissions Criteria 

Your admissions score is heavily weighted toward your GPA (65%), with the remaining 35% based on your Writing Skills Assessment (WSA) score. A great way to raise your GPA and fulfill prerequisite requirements is to take prerequisite courses at a community college during the summer. This can also help you accumulate more credits toward the 60-credit minimum. 


Prepare for the Writing Skills Assessment (WSA) 

Since 35% of your admissions score weighs on your WSA performance, it’s crucial to be well-prepared. Get comfortable with the WSA rubric and practice with sample prompts. You can find some practice materials and resources here. For extra support, consider visiting the Odegaard Writing Center for feedback on your practice responses. ABSA also hosts a WSA Workshop with Foster staff in the winter, so be sure to look out for that event to pick up additional tips! 


Good luck with your applications, and don't hesitate to reach out to the ABSA team if you have any questions about the process! We’re excited to see you at our first meeting on 9/30! 

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